The Old and the New
WHAT though last year be past and gone,
Why should we grieve or mourn about it?
As good a year is now begun,
And better too, let no one doubt it.
‘Tis New-Year’s morn; why should we part !
Why not enjoy what heaven has sent us?
Let wine expand the social heart,
Let friends, and mirth, and wine content us.
War’s rude alarms disturb’d last year;
Our country bled and wept around us;
But this each honest heart shall cheer,
And peace and plenty shall surround us.
Last year king Congo, through the land,
Display’d his thirteen stripes to fright us;
But George’s power, in Clinton’s hand,
In this new year shall surely right us.
Last year saw many honest men,
Torn from each dear and sweet connection,
But this shall see them home again,
And happy in their king’s protection.
Last year vain Frenchmen brav’d our coasts,
And baffled Howe, and scap’d from Byron;
But this shall bring their vanquish’d hosts,
To crouch beneath the British Lion.
Last year rebellion proudly stood,
Elate, in her meridian glory;
But this shall quench her pride in blood;
George will avenge each martyr’d tory.
Then bring us wine, full bumpers bring;
Hail this new year in joyful chorus;
God bless great George, our gracious king,
And crush rebellion down before us.